Thursday, July 29, 2010

Syphilis And The Problems Of False Diagnosis

Syphilis infection is one of the “silent killers” that have been ravaging the Nigerian population, The incidence of syphilis in recent years has so increased that it should command the same amount of official attention as HIV and malaria. The disease is deadly because by the time any serious signs/symptoms begin to become noticeable it has damaged many body tissues/organs simultaneously, e.g. brain, spinal vertebrae, heart, bones, etc. and it may take about 5-20 years for many serious signs/symptoms to be noticed. Clinical experience has indicated that many psychiatric patients currently in hospitals or roamingg the streets as lunatics as well as many men and women having infertility conditions, may be at various stages of syphilis infection. All hands must be on deck to highlight these problems and solve them too.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Utah: Rate of Syphilis Cases on the Rise

Barely halfway through 2010, the 40 syphilis cases logged by Salt Lake County health officials have topped the 2009 total of 37, putting the county on track to double its caseload of the STD by year's end.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rate of syphilis cases on the rise

The Salt Lake Valley Health Department is warning men who have sex with men that they are at risk of contracting syphilis, which is easily transmitted and can be deadly if left untreated.

“We need to sound the alarm,” said Lynn Beltran, who oversees sexually transmitted disease programs for the Salt Lake Valley Health Department. “Men engaging in sexual activity with other men need to realize this is out there.”